Daily Drivel Injections

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Friday 30 November 2012

Hating On The World

A beer, The US Office and Nachos at 1am are definitely the best way to start writing a Blog Past.

Bad Day, Hating on the World and Reminiscing are not the nest way to start writing a Blog Post.

So this should be interesting.

To begin the downward spiral that was my day was I found that my Facebook account was hacked into. Nothing too bad was posted except a video entitled 'Boobies and Kittens' and I was informed it contained a images of Boobies and Kittens to 'Cheer You Up'.

What kind of hacker spends the time and effort working their way into someone's Facebook account and, instead of posting something that hacked into other people's accounts, the posted THAT thing.

Although, this is funny.

The next were the customers at work. As I like to say 'This job would be great, if it wasn't for the customers' (Dante, 1994). 

Why people enter a 'Cinematic Viewing Establishment', spend plenty of money on tickets and food for them to throw a fuss because they want 'Pepsi' but all we have is 'Coca-Cola'.

What has happened to the Human Race.

Some other stuff happened that annoyed me but it picked up when I was reminded of the first meeting of a great work friend; We were stood at the counter when a woman came up to order food. Whilst she was ordering, her young daughter was banging on a glass cabinet; suddenly the mother turns around and shouts:
The daughter stops, turns, and stares with big upset eyes at her mother. The mother asks:
"What would Jesus do?"
After a short though the daughter replies with:
"He say be good?"
"That's right he say be good, so if you no listen to me then at least you listen to Jesus!"
She turns back to us, pays for her goods and leaves.

Best first friendship meeting EVER.


It is now 22 days down the beardy path, I hope you like my sexy facial hair;

Oh dear, the beard is taking over! 

And so we near the end of this post, we wrap it up with SONG OF THE DAYYYY

My choice for today would have to be a recent release from THE BEST MUSICIAN IN THE WORLD. 

Of course, I am talking about Jack White.

Jack White released Blunderbuss, his first solo album, on April 24th 2012. Firstly, it's incredible. Secondly, he has just released the video for his latest album (also on the album) called 'I'm Shakin'' and I have literally just watched the video and it's awesome!

 I saw Jack White earlier this year and, without sounding like a stupid super fan (which I am) it blew my mind; he's brilliant! Best gig ever! Anyway click below to watch the video and listen to the song! And then look at the great poster to go with it.

And so I bid you adieu for this evening,

And I'm not so much Hating On The World,

"Keep Fighting The Good Fight"

- A

Tuesday 27 November 2012

Childish Adult Syndrome

Good Moro kind sirs and madams,

I have a few exciting things to go over.

Firstly, children.
Also known as Siblings, Brothers, Sisters, Cousins, Nephews and Nieces, you know what I'm talking about. I do really, really love them, I mean not 'I love Children', that does sounds a little weird; I love my cousins and my brother and I love looking after kids because, for whatever reason, I get on really well with them.

I think it boils down to the fact I am a massive kid still.

I love cartoons, playing with LEGO, and wishing I was Link from The Legend of Zelda. And that is frowned upon why? Urgh, well to my future wife; "I will not be growing up." I can be serious when I need to be, but my kids are gonna have a FUN DAD. 

Wow, that escalated quickly.

Anyway, back to children.

After talking to a friend this evening my heart strings have panged and I now cannot stop thinking about the two in particular. Firstly my Cousin Samuel, he's a lot of fun and he's very, VERY energetic, but I love him and although he is hard to bear sometimes, it makes me love him more all the same.

And secondly it is my other cousin, the youngest and only girl in the family; Niamh (pronounced NEEEV). She has Down Syndrome and, after a huge family trauma, Niamh was brought into the world and she was a beautiful girt. You can see a trailer for a documentary I made on, here:

I am also facing a dilemma in my life. A huge Job Opportunity has arisen and i've found out that a certain 'Cinematic Viewing Establishment' has denied all Student Leave (Although i've been there more than a year and not taken any leave) so it looks like I'm going to have to quit but I really don't want to because I love my job so much. Urgh I hate decisions. Thats not for a few months though.

So, anyway, day 19 of my Beard Baby:

Its like a dark and brooding shadow covering my face.

Anyway, a song choice tomorrow methinks, sleep well,

I think i'm suffering from Childish Adult Syndrome,

"Keep Fighting he Good Fight"


Saturday 24 November 2012

Tattoo Me This

Well hello my beautiful Blogger Babies,

I hope you are well.

Usually I find it fairly easy to know what I am going to write in these posts before I start; today this is not the case. So, I will try to write as I go along, let's hope I stay sane...

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
all work and noplay makes Jack a dull boy.
All wo rk and no play makesJack a dull boy.
All work ad no play makes Jack dull boy.
Al workand no play makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no play ma kes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no play makes jack a dulby.

Whoops, sorry.

Tattoos and piercings I hear you ask? Why yes, I have both. One is a secret Patrick Star on my butt cheek and the other is a 10mm (or 12mm, can't remember) plug in my ear.

I would really really love a tattoo soon but, as silly as it sounds, I really think my parent's would down me, they hate my stretched ear enough as it is. But IF I ever did, I have three main ones I would definitely want (that sentence is a complete double negative).

Firstly: 'The White Stripes' are my favourite band of all time, Jack White especially, and so in ode of that I'd love the 'White Stripes' drum skin - 'The Peppermint Swirl' on my wrist just like this:

It'd be a good one because its obvious, I can see it and I could cover it up with a watch strap if needed.

Secondly: Another 'Jack White-esque' tattoo I'd love, that is a little more risqué, is this wonderful logo:

It is the sign from Jack White's own Record Label HQ and Vinyl Pressing Station. It reads 'Your Turntable's Not Dead'... (it also reads 'Enter Here', but i'd rather not have that on it to). I would have this right down the inside of my forearm.

Lastly: A simple design to enrapture the love for my favourite video game 'The Legend Of Zelda'. I would either be this: 

(Not quite sure where i'd have this) Or this:

Again, not necessarily the same place.
Maybe some comments and thoughts?

And so the next port of call on this unmapped journey is; The Office. Now, don't get me wrong and think I am talking about the crappy 'Ricky Gervais UK Office', I definitely am talking about the 'Steve Carrel US one that is taking over my life'. 

I know that Gervais and Merchant both produced the US version, and of course the idea is from the UK version, but on-the-whole, in-my-opinion, the Carrel version is hilarious and infectious. 

I think I probably find it funnier than most because I can relate each of the characters to someone at my place of work. It's uncanny.

Now stop reading and go watch all 9 seasons of The US Office.
Then come back and read. 


It's, now, go to be a 'White Stripes' song. The White Stripes formed in 1997 in Detroit and released their debut self-titled album in 1999. The sound from each album evolves incredibly and all songs explore a different genre of music. Their first album is very dirty, messy, full of bluesy-garage rock whereas their latest album is folk, rock and blues.

Probably one of the most bluesy songs Jack White has come out with, I present 'Catch Hell Blues'.

And that concludes my post for today.

Can you Tattoo Me This? 


Friday 23 November 2012

My Flu-Fighting Diary

Flu-Fighting Day 5

Dear Flu-Fighting Diary,

I have been fighting flu for 5 flu-fighting days ever since I caught the flu. I will be fighting this flu with a combination of Flu-Fighting and my diary of fighting flu.

 Once I have conquered this most awful affliction, I hope to create World Peace, buy a vineyard and set up my own business selling meth. Crystal Meth. Blue Crystal Meth. No, wait, Neon Green.

Over the past 5 days I seem to have got worse but it has given me time to sleep, not eat, run to the toilet, watch films and play playstation. So a bit 50/50 I'd say (that TV show was awesome).

I've managed to watch Buried and Hunger, both movies I'd recommend and both I've seen multiple times before. 'Buried' is incredible because its 90 minutes of real-time (feeling) thriller action all set in one location in one scene. Kudos to Reynolds, he can act. 
 And 'Hunger', by far one of the best British films by one of Britain's best Directors starring one of the best British Actors (Steve McQueen and Michael Fassbender consecutively). Go. Watch. Now.

Had my dad stay over at my house for the past few days, so not only did he probably catch my flu he also got to, erm, 'experience student life' - i.e. he had to sleep on the mattress I took from my bed on the floor in the living room. Lucky him.

Quick update on the beard: 14 days along

And so thats it from me, but not before I tell you to click on this link click 

Enjoy My Flu-Fighting Diary,


- A

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Zombies Run From Beards

Yeah, thats right. When you saw the blog title  and clicked on it you didn't think it'd ACTUALLY be about Zombies Running from Beards, did you?

Well... It is.

Firstly, I'd like to address I LOVE ZOMBIES

And I know that the do not run (well, except the Crimson Head ones). It's actually me expressing my want to run from zombies for health and weight loss. And I have an app for that.

There is actually an app to run from zombies for leisure. The best thing about it is it's also a video game. Wait, let me back up, let me list the awesome features:

You run from zombies.
You collect items for your base camp on your run.
There's a huge story with many missions and characters.
You run from zombies.
You can hear the zombies as they get closer to you.
It logs your runs via GPS onto online and even tells you when you picked up items and where.
Your run from zombies.
You lose weight.

So yeah, it's pretty awesome.

And so this is where I make my commitment to you.

I am going to post all my runs on here too, only little links to the page at which you can view them, just so that I feel like I HAVE to do them, so please, encouragement is needed.

So my first run you can see here, with how far I am into the story and what items I have collected:

And onto my second part: Beards.

Beautiful, wonderful beards.

I am re-groaing my beard, after looking back at pictures of my beard I WANT IT BACK. So one picture a post to see the growth. This is me at exactly 11 days along (it makes it sound like I'm pregnant or something) HERE IS MY BEARD BABY:

Sorry if I look posey, didn't know what to do really for a 'Beard Portfolio'. 
I can't wait to get that beard back.

And finally


The song of the day today would be the most righteous 'Books From Boxes' by Maximo Park. Now, you may remember these guys when I mentioned their lead singer's solo album 'Margins' in an earlier post. 
 'Books From Boxes' is a great song from their second album 'Our Earthly Pleasures'. The riff is glorious, and the lyrics are poetic

"Rain explodes at the moment that the cab doors close, 
I feel the weight upon your kiss; ambiguous"

Click here and listen: Books From Boxes.

Well thats me done for tonight, comment and let me know if you enjoyed the post or the song or something and don't forget to click above to subscribe/add me on the various formats.

Don't EVER forget that: Zombies Run From Beards.

"Keep Fighting The Good Fight"

- A

Sunday 18 November 2012

The Coffee Anxiety Blues

Thought I'd whack another post out whilst I'm in the mood.

Mixing coffee with emptying your friends list on Facebook is probably the worst thing.

Today, or yesterday should I say, I have had a slight tingling in my hands. Now, I am not a hypercondriac, but it was kinda weird, couldn't get the feeling to go. Just went a little quiet, no one at work noticed, which was alright actually so I didn't have to talk about it, you know how it is.

Then I come home, bloggy-de-blog-blog, grab a large cuppa joe aaaaannnddd...

The Coffee Anxiety Blues kick in.
This is where I pick up my guitar and lay down a dirty blues riff.

And now, a muse; why do we have so many friends on Facebook we don't need/know anymore? 

Or maybe that's just me, and maybe these Blues don't help, but I'm looking at the list and I'm saying to myself "I don't even talk to this person anymore!", or "They added me after a drunk night out..." so there I am ruthlessly 'Unfriending' people and thinking "Oh well they probably won't notice" (until next week when they mention *in a chavvy voice* "OHMAGOD how could you unfriend me on faceyb?!").

I definitely should have listened to the voice of reason, then I might not've got: The Coffee Anxiety Blues.

"Keep Fighting The Good Fight"


What In The World Is Going On?

Well hello fellows,

So, to begin this post i'd like to tell you you'll hate it. Seriously. Apart from the funny pictures and the enlightenment.

Let's start with the good;
I had my picture taken with my family for my grandparents' 50th Wedding Anniversary, I looked awesome (I looked like a hobo).

After that I went to the most wonderful GLEE CLUB in Oxford, it's an absolutely hilarious Comedy Club. I now know that I, apparently, have the loudest laugh ever. I apologise to anyone that has suffered under my horrendous laugh.

Next, my car broke down, ran out of fuel, didn't have a hazard triangle, didn't have a Hi-Vis, police showed up, and the two closest petrol stations had run out of fuel. So, I had a very successful evening.

Apart from all that I had a most wonderful experience today, kind of revelating, in a way. I spent my break with a work colleague today and we spoke about a purpose of our lives and how after trying something, you find that you have a talent for something you never knew you had. He gave this example;

"It's like me picking up some wool and some needles and finding that I am a master knitsman."

Brilliant. This is after I told him that after photographing my friend's band (click for Hell's Gazelles) I was approached by another friend to photograph the Student Union, and following that I have been asked to photograph and film an American Football tournament. I don't even photograph professionally, I just know how to make frames look nice (after all, I want to be a Director of Photography, without sounding too big-headed) so i've found a hobby that people actually appreciate.

So, anyway, another song choice; try it out.


That probably sounds a lot funnier to me. So, basically the next band I'd like to introduce, although you may have heard of them (him, technically), is 'City and Colour'. The band is lead by one Dallas Green and formed in 2005. The name City and Colour comes from his own name: Dallas, a city, and Green, a colour.

 The song is a beautifully written piece in 2 sections, so stick around to the end. The song is simply entitled 'The Girl'. 

"When you cry a piece of my heart dies,  Knowing that I may have been the cause,  If you were to leave, fulfil someone else's dreams, I think I might totally be lost."

It sounds a bit soppy and generic, but it really, really isn't. That's it from me tonight,
I hope this was a semi-enjoyable experience,

Riddle me this: What in The World Is Going On?

"Keep Fighting The Good Fight"

- A

Friday 16 November 2012

Vlog Numero Dos - Guest Speakers

Hi guys,

Sorry for the lack of posts over the past two days,
hopefully i've made up for it with this new, and much more entertaining, vlog!

Had two guests join me on this one: Bulcriag (also known as Blake The Flake from the WLB podcast) and Mr Lewis Young.

We've talked about a lot of stuff this time, however, we did talk about comics...


Can't help it, sorry guys!

Anyway, will post again tonight, got more exciting stuff to talk about!

Speak soon amigos,

"Keep Fighting The Good Fight"

- A

Tuesday 13 November 2012

You, And The World, Are Watching Me


My Vlog; Your Call.

So, here is my first video blog. I apologise in advance for, firstly, the audio. Its out of sync completely but its taken me, like, 3 hours to upload (stupid bandwidth).

Next, I apologise for the boring topics.

I have, now, re-edited it, but strangely it has only uploaded the first 10 minutes.

So its your choice; watch bad audio for full 15 or synced for 10; your call.

So, without further ado,

I present my first, very terrible Video Podcast... Try to enjoy.

Bad Audio - 15 minutes

Good Audio - 10 Minutes

Make sure You, And The World, Are Watching Me.

"Keep Fighting The Good Fight"

- A

Monday 12 November 2012

You Are Playing With The World

Good evening children,

I'm feeling about the same as I did yesterday, haven't really spoken to anyone about it yet.
So back for another post, i think i'll keep this relatively short.

Took a picture of this awesome street art in my place of birth today:

It reminds of my wonderful journeys through the Wasteland on Fallout 3; they were the days.

Reminiscing about great experience in (personal) gaming history:

The moment I went out into Hyrule Field in the Legend of Zelda; Ocarina of Time and saw THE WORLD.
The moment I found out Samus Aran was a woman in Metroid Prime.
The moment I saw just how BIG Super Mario 64 was (and jumping into those damn cool paintings).
The moment I hit someone with a blue shell on Mario Kart.
The moment I discovered the vastness of the Wasteland and the vastness of missions in Fallout 3.

The moment I got to choose Charmander, Squirtle or Bulbasaur in Pokemon Red (it was Charmander).

And now i'm 20 (and a half) years old. However, my gaming years have not yet finish (nor will they ever). I've just played through every single Metal Gear game, to date, in Historical Order. I'm playing through Red Dead (again) and Skyrim. I completely both Portals and so much more. I think I'm on my game.


The next song is poetry in itself; all encompassing. I welcome you to La Dispute!
Only introduced to me recently, they're a post-hardcore band from Michigan that formed in 2004. Now, please, just listen to the words (click for song) Such Small Hands

'I think I saw you in my sleep darling,
I think i saw you in my dreams you were
stitching up the seams on every broken promise
that your body couldn't keep,
I think I saw you in my sleep oh'


I leave you with a lovely picture of Stevie Nicks from Fleetwood Mac:

Anyway, leave comments below and take a look at the podcast, and follow me on Facebook and Twitter!

Did you know: You Are Playing With The World?

"Keep Fighting The Good Fight"

- A

Sunday 11 November 2012

Whiny Little Bitches

Hello Bloggerites,

This is just a quick update to the blog that there is yet another way to experience this blog! 

A PODCAST! *Insert cheers, claps and whoops*

So, without further ado, I unleash unto you:

Now, you can follow this Podcast through the Tumblr or download them directly at the Soundcloud!
With the Tumblr you get a lot of extra media with Pictures and Videos of what we're talking about and also quotes from our favourite parts! What's awesome is you can add your comments too!

With the Soundcloud, however, you can download directly the podcasts to your MP3 Players and Computers and other steam-powered devices, and add your comments wherever throughout the audio on screen!

Now please, please, PLEASE leave your comments and download and spread the word! It'd really help out.

And watch this space for the upcoming web series!

Now YOU Are Listening To The World

"Keep Fighting The Good Fight"


The World Is Burning Me

This is the worst day of every year.

Have you ever felt so cheated by someone it's like they've taken a metaphorical dump on your face?

Well maybe not quite like that, but just when someone says one thing then carries out another?
Lets just say that this situation occurred at the 'Cinematic Viewing Establishment' in which there was a certain poster I had requested. One thing led to another and it came out that instead of giving it to me like they originally said, they would do a 'name in the hat' kinda thing.

Through a wonderful co worker, however, I... well, i think this says it all about the outcome:

Victory was mine.

And thats why you should follow Amy Decay's blog: http://amydecay.blogspot.co.uk

So that was the highlight of my day.
Unfortunately thats where it fell downhill.

This is the worst day of every year.

Without going into detail, every year since 2001 the 11th November is the worst day. Now, don't get me wrong, remembering the brave men, and women, who fought for the independence of the Western world against communism, is very important to me. It's just that this personal trauma now seems to out shadow that slightly, which, i guess, it shouldn't.

Now please don't feel offended that i haven't told you what it is, i have only every told a very few select people that are very close to me and that I can trust. Now, we have a world wide web between us; maybe we can change that soon.

So next on the agenda is music YOU need to be listening to.


Wow, that sounds deep. Actually, I may give you a song per blog post, that might be interesting. But if I do this, you have to promise me you'll listen, okay? I'll even include a link to the song and band so that you have no extra work to do except click and listen.

So, to start us off, the album I'm doing my dissertation on.

As I spoke about yesterday Paul Smith is the lead singer of Birmingham-based band Maximo Park.

So in 2010 Mr Smith (not to be confused with the designer) released album 'Margins'; a haunting, emotional trip of the heart. Here's a link to his website www.paulsmithmusic.eu/ and now onto the album.

Song of the album? I think 'While You're In The Bath' or 'Pinball'. Click the song names to hear them.

I'd really like to know what you think? I love the lyrics:

'And the nights just get harder
Synapses like brick walls
And my sensations are suspended"

"Washing up with cold water while you're in the bath
Resisting the temptation to look through the crack
Of the bathroom door
Though i've seen it before"

"Your belongings way you down
But it hurt when you sold them
A cold cash conversion."

Right-Ho, thats me done for today, especially since the NY Giants have definitely lost abysmally. Let me know what you think in the comments box below,
Now: The World Is Burning Me.

"Keep Fighting The Good Fight"
