Firstly, I've been told that my blog posts are getting shorter, people have been getting disgruntled; fear not, I shall be trying to make them longer.
Anyway, I'd like to talk about Religion.
PLEASE don't let this scare you off, I'm not going to be pushing religion on you, just some interesting things I'd like to bestow upon you.
I was talking with a work colleague today (Miss Amy Clark, to be precise) about Religion and I love the fact she was so interested in hearing about it (maybe she's just nodding and smiling to stop me talking, I have that effect on people) because most people these days don't give one flying finger about religion, so it's refreshing.
So the first area of religion that was discussed was the Old Testament and how unbelievable it is.
(I know this refers to the New Testament)
"Look, I really can't believe the Old Testament, it's so... unbelievable, I guess. I mean, Moses actually parting the Sea?"
And next, is the most interesting and comforting thing any priest could say;
"None of those things in the Old Testament are true."
Wow, that is the coolest priest ever.
He then went on to say:
"I say that in the sense that Moses probably didn't part the sea, he probably just hopped on a boat and rode across with the Slaves away from the Egyptians. Now, put yourself into the time that the Bible was written; the majority of the population are uneducated, unlearned peasants, who lead very simple lives. Now, how do you convey the mastery, majesty and might of the almighty being 'God' to these simple people?
You can't turn around and say 'Moses rode on a boat over the sea and God helped him through the Holy Spirit' because that'd make no sense to these people. So, as written in the bible, you over exaggerate to be able to convey his power
'Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and all that night the Lord drove the sea back with a strong east wind and turned it into dry land. The waters were divided, and the Israelites went through the sea on dry ground, with a wall of water on their right and on their left.
The Egyptians pursued them, and all Pharaoh’s horses and chariots and horsemenfollowed them into the sea. 24 During the last watch of the night the Lord looked down from the pillar of fire and cloud at the Egyptian army and threw it into confusion.' Exodus 14:21-23
And then it all made sense!
Well, I hope that wasn't too religious for you.
I'll talk about the Rapture in the next post.
Next two exciting pieces of news. First: I'M KIND OF IN A SEMI-CREATED BAND MAYBE THAT MIGHT START UP SOON!!!! Its a half-dream come true.
That's correct True Believers, it was discussed today between myself and another friend at the start up of a White Stripes/Jack White/Queens of the Stone Age/Foo Fighters-type band, 3 piece probably! More news to come.
Second; I might do Open-Mic Nights again! Now thats probably actually bad news because you'll have to hear my bad singing, and I apologise in advance. But, I could do with as much support as possible, so if you guys could drop me a Tweet or comment or something with some wise words of wisdom and support, that'd be awesomesauce.
Next, I have a video I was asked to create for Cineworld Cinemas LTD earlier this year and have only got around to uploading it now. I hope you enjoy it, I cut the video and the audio of everything together, including the trailers, and then I filmed, lit and edited all of the other footage, creating masks for all the trailers too. I hope you like!
This is day number 24 and I'm in my onesie:
The wonderful, most righteous and uplifting bands of my Secondary School and current life, probably part of my Life Soundtrack, is The Rocket Summer.

And so I bid you adieu and thank you for Letting Me Tell You About What We Do Here.
"Keep Fighting The Good Fight"
- A
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