Daily Drivel Injections

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Saturday, 10 November 2012

We Are Watching The World

Finally, got the blogging ball rolling. 

Have you ever had that moment in life where you stare at the world and think how surreal it is? I mean I look at pictures of landscapes, I see small thickets surrounding my house, I think of places I've been, and they all seem so beautiful that it can't be real.

Combine that with the right song and you've created a small area outside of reality that feels so perfect it can't be real. 

I'd have to say that one of the first times this happened was when I saw this:

I'll leave you to work out what this is.
For me it symbolised natural perfection, although not real, it felt good. I don't know if this is a case of where I was emotionally, mentally and physically at the time, but for some reason it has always stuck with me.

And this is what my current big project is going to (hopefully) capture.  

Using the tracks from an emotionally provoking album...

And creating 14 short films to accompany them, I envision an equally emotion evoking piece. With thanks to Paul Smith (@paulsmithmusic), the lead singer of Maxïmo Park, I have permission to create a concept album film made from 14 concept music videos.

There will be 14 beautiful locations from around the United Kingdom and France, there will be 14 scenarios, there will be 14 main characters, there will be 14 accompanying tracks, there will be 14 films/music videos and 1 theme to link them all...

*theme to be announced*

Hopefully I can transfer these feelings to the screen. With help from friends, and any of you avid writers out there in the Wild West, I can do this.

Did you know Moths were an Egyptian omen and signal,ed the passing of souls from this plain to the next? How Biutiful.

Leave your experiences like this below in the comments, I'd love to hear them.

Just remember, this time: We Are Watching The World.
"Keep Fighting The Good Fight"

- A


  1. Is this the project you were talking about? I'm still interested in helping :) It sounds amazing. xx

    1. Yes, its gonna be this project! You in on it? xx
