Daily Drivel Injections

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Friday, 9 November 2012

The World Is Watching Us

So, hey Internet. How's it going? Yeah, I agree, this feels kinda like what a first date would feel like, I suppose. But it's cool, we can get to know each other; our likes, our dislikes, our joys, our qualms, and hopefully our relationship will beautiful and fruitful...

Enough with the pleasantries,

This is me:

No, wait, that's not me, although I would give anything to be Link... Whoops, that's for another story.

This is me:

I'm a 20 year-old Film and Television student living in the United Kingdom.
My eyes aren't always crossed.

My likes probably included (and do not end with) Stanley Kubrick, Jack White (all forms of), The Legend Of Zelda, Michael Fassbender, Directing/Shooting/Editing films, Vinyl, and, most recently, American Football.
My dislikes would be: Jellyfish, the sea (and everything in it), people who wear band t-shirts and don't know the band/know 'that one song', people who wear film t-shirts and don't know the film/bought it in Primark.

I work in the most rad workplace. I don't care what you're saying, I do love working at this certain Cinematic Viewing Establishment (herein referred to as 'Cinematic Viewing Establishment') and, apart from the the few arsey, idiotic customers, I have a riot. Everyone is pretty awesome, and funny, and it's just like a massive *paid* hangout.

What am I doing at the moment, you ask? Apart from lying in bed at 1:30am writing this lonely Blog? Well, let's see... Maybe I should start with most interesting to most boring:

Collaborative Project with Lead Singer of Maxïmo Park 'Paul Smith'.
A potential placement on Edgar Wright's Marvel film 'Ant-Man'.
Creating a press package for upcoming band 'Hell's Gazelles' (sorry about the plug).
Starting up a web series.
Making a bi-weekly Podcast.
Finishing my degree.
Earning money.
Boiling my head.

Well, that deescalated quickly.

What is my aim for this blog? Well, I'd like to vent my clogged up, thought-filled mind. I'd like to lay down the various ideas I have for you to comment on. I'd like to tell about past, present and future scenarios. I'd like to solve world hunger. I'd like to punch Hitler in the face. I'd like to go on my own rock 'n' roll tour of Russia.

In shorter words: many things.

Maybe I should take this opportunity to shamelessly plug my other Social Media Venting Tools, in much poor taste:

The YouTube channel where my projects (like the ones above) get posted:
(There's also some goddam awful covers by me on guitar just to amuse you)

My Twitter in which my Daily Drivel gets injected onto the net:
Give us a tweet.

And the Facebook that links them all together:

I think I have a tumblr too... Hmm... And, obviously the podcast, but can't link that until I get permission from other creator; stay tuned.

Anyway, enough about me, what about you?

From this point onwards it's just me and you. Just us in this small haven, 'Outer Haven' if you will.
Just remember: The World Is Watching Us.

"Keep Fighting The Good Fight"

- A

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