Have you ever felt so cheated by someone it's like they've taken a metaphorical dump on your face?
Well maybe not quite like that, but just when someone says one thing then carries out another?
Lets just say that this situation occurred at the 'Cinematic Viewing Establishment' in which there was a certain poster I had requested. One thing led to another and it came out that instead of giving it to me like they originally said, they would do a 'name in the hat' kinda thing.
Through a wonderful co worker, however, I... well, i think this says it all about the outcome:
Victory was mine.
And thats why you should follow Amy Decay's blog: http://amydecay.blogspot.co.uk
So that was the highlight of my day.
Unfortunately thats where it fell downhill.
This is the worst day of every year.
Without going into detail, every year since 2001 the 11th November is the worst day. Now, don't get me wrong, remembering the brave men, and women, who fought for the independence of the Western world against communism, is very important to me. It's just that this personal trauma now seems to out shadow that slightly, which, i guess, it shouldn't.
Now please don't feel offended that i haven't told you what it is, i have only every told a very few select people that are very close to me and that I can trust. Now, we have a world wide web between us; maybe we can change that soon.
So next on the agenda is music YOU need to be listening to.

So, to start us off, the album I'm doing my dissertation on.
As I spoke about yesterday Paul Smith is the lead singer of Birmingham-based band Maximo Park.
So in 2010 Mr Smith (not to be confused with the designer) released album 'Margins'; a haunting, emotional trip of the heart. Here's a link to his website www.paulsmithmusic.eu/ and now onto the album.
Song of the album? I think 'While You're In The Bath' or 'Pinball'. Click the song names to hear them.
I'd really like to know what you think? I love the lyrics:

Synapses like brick walls
And my sensations are suspended"
"Washing up with cold water while you're in the bath
Resisting the temptation to look through the crack
Of the bathroom door
Though i've seen it before"
"Your belongings way you down
But it hurt when you sold them
A cold cash conversion."
Right-Ho, thats me done for today, especially since the NY Giants have definitely lost abysmally. Let me know what you think in the comments box below,
Now: The World Is Burning Me.
"Keep Fighting The Good Fight"