Daily Drivel Injections

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Sunday, 18 November 2012

The Coffee Anxiety Blues

Thought I'd whack another post out whilst I'm in the mood.

Mixing coffee with emptying your friends list on Facebook is probably the worst thing.

Today, or yesterday should I say, I have had a slight tingling in my hands. Now, I am not a hypercondriac, but it was kinda weird, couldn't get the feeling to go. Just went a little quiet, no one at work noticed, which was alright actually so I didn't have to talk about it, you know how it is.

Then I come home, bloggy-de-blog-blog, grab a large cuppa joe aaaaannnddd...

The Coffee Anxiety Blues kick in.
This is where I pick up my guitar and lay down a dirty blues riff.

And now, a muse; why do we have so many friends on Facebook we don't need/know anymore? 

Or maybe that's just me, and maybe these Blues don't help, but I'm looking at the list and I'm saying to myself "I don't even talk to this person anymore!", or "They added me after a drunk night out..." so there I am ruthlessly 'Unfriending' people and thinking "Oh well they probably won't notice" (until next week when they mention *in a chavvy voice* "OHMAGOD how could you unfriend me on faceyb?!").

I definitely should have listened to the voice of reason, then I might not've got: The Coffee Anxiety Blues.

"Keep Fighting The Good Fight"


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